Maimouna, a face of the repression inflicted to Saharwis of Tindouf, Amnesty International informed

She is only 21 years old, and has become in few weeks the symbol of fight of all the Sahrawis suffering from the negation of their fundamental rights by the Polisario Front guerilla. The importance of traditions some will say, of the “culture”, according to others, but there is still Maimouna Bashir Mokhtar, a nurse settling in Spain since 1999 and would be currently in Tindouf camps after having been taken away from the peaceful life that she led in Spain with her boyfriend Pablo Miranda. The latter is extremely worried, since he does not have any news about his fiancée who should have carried a short stay in Tindouf camps last summer, a stay having been transformed to a forced permanent residence. In fact, nothing can explain that this young woman can no longer communicate with Pablo Miranda since last December, and the young Spanish was so convinced that his fiancée was forced to stay in the camps that he informed the Spanish justice, so that it highlights this obscure case. Since two days, it is the NGO Amnesty International who has been informed about the case, hoping it would bring new response elements.

A petition has been then handed to the Polisario Front Secretary General, remaining unfortunately a dead letter. In fact, the Guerilla would be on the same line as Maimouna’s parents, who have totally rejected the idea that their daughter can be in relation with a Spanish boy, having for her other plans, i.e. a union with a Sahrawi. This goes hand in hand with the “revolutionary” line of the Polisario Front, a Marxist-Leninist obedience movement, who refuses diversity and mixed race, considered as “subversive”, and “harmful” for the “cause”. It is hence a real shock of visions resumed in Maimouna Bashir Mokhtar case, prisoner of the distilled doctrine of the Polisario Front, and in the hands of the slammers who consider that the black people cannot mix with the white ones, and where certain slavery practices still exist, as revealed by “” few months ago. It is a real ordeal that the young woman should be undergoing, who will be likely forced to marry within the coming weeks. However, it is precisely this situation that should mobilize the international community in order to denounce the segregationist and racist practices of the Guerilla, good will prevail over evil, and light over obscurantism…
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