When would the state of siege end in Tindouf Camps?

The call, undoubtedly full of hardly contained sincerity and emotion. In fact, 22 other Sahrawis are added to the 174 Sahrawis who have already returned to their homeland. Facing bravely the dangers on their road, they did not hesitate to escape from the hell of Tindouf to go back to their clement and merciful homeland, as well as tribes and families. Immediately after their arrival, they have launched a very sensitive call to the international community asking it to intervene so that this politico-military siege imposed to the Tindouf camps, in the Algerian South-West, by the excessively armed militia of the Polisario and the Algerian military security, be ended, broken up and put under the UNO authority. A condition which would allow the Sahrawi populations to express themselves and enjoy freely the right, fully recognized, to move and to choose the country when they want to live, in this case Morocco, or possibly Mauritania, when the family or tribe ties are requesting so.
The Sahrawi militating for human rights among whom Ould Messaoud, President of the Sahrawi Association for the defence of human rights denounce the regrettable living conditions in the Tindouf camps and the arbitrary and no right atmosphere which are prevailing there.

Ramdane Ould Messaoud does not hesitate also to make a disturbing comparison between the Sahrawis’ conditions in Tindouf and those of the Kabyles in Kabylia who have just commemorated, in contemplation and suffering, the slaughter of 20 April, 2001, in Tizi Ouzou, capital of the Berber Kabylia, perpetrated by the Algerian authority. “It goes without saying, comments Mohammed Talib, member of the Royal Advisory Council for Saharan Affairs, that Algeria has to account for the violations of human rights, knowing that the latter are first of all committed on its land with the criminal complicity of its services.
Moreover, the fact that these new people coming back to Morocco are, in their majority, young, is in itself quite significant of the structural deadlock in which is struggling the separatist movement, in the pay of Algeria. In fact, if the youth is synonymous of the future, the escape of the latter towards the land of their ancestors is a final condemnation of the movement and its silent partners’ unrealistic ambitions.
Besides, the UNO Secretary General, Ban Ki Mon, did not hide his great concern about the dreadful human rights conditions prevailing in the Sahrawis camps of Tindouf. Thus, the international community is called to react quickly as regard to this issue.


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