Algiers closed the net around the Tindouf camps

Humanitarian organizations, as well as NOG are worried about the hard life conditions of Sahrawis living in Tindouf camps controlled by the Polisario Front, and more particularly, the restrictions made by Sahrawis populations as regard to limiting their movement and forbidding them the right to meet. In fact, we notice since the beginning of the year, a wave of Sahrawis escaping from Tindouf camps controlled by the Polisario, to go to Morocco, which would have pushed Algeria, hosting and financing the Polisario Front to harden its policy when dealing with camps’ inhabitants. Already, almost one thousand Sahrawis have reached Morocco since the beginning of 2010. The objective of the Algerian power, main support of the Polisario Front, is to stop, or at least, reduce the hemorrhage threatening to empty the Polisario camps.

An ad hoc committee has been made up by Algiers, including members of security services as well as representatives of the secret services (DRS). After having been there in the beginning of the week, the committee has taken draconian measures to try to limit this desertion movement.
Since the majority of people returning to Morocco are young, the committee has decided to transfer people who are 17 to 40 years old, to cities and centres located in the North of Algeria. It is right that young people are the most concerned by idleness and weariness in the camps. Disillusioned by the false promises of Polisario leaders, they do not see any exit for their future. So, they leave camps and return to Morocco.
For dissidents and other leaders, they would, henceforth, be placed in camps for ideological rectification, to definitely persuade them from escaping. This category should be further controlled since a great number of persons is continually persecuted for having expressed opinions opposed to those of the Polisario leadership.
Finally, procedures to move outside these camps would be further reinforced. A safe conduct would be, henceforth, required from cars drivers wishing to leave the camps.


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