The Polisario leaders and their armed militia continue to inflict all kinds of moral and physical violence to the Sahraoui refugees in the Tindouf camps, with complete impunity and in total indifference of the authorities of the host country, Algeria. Recently, a Sahraoui family lost one of its members, Bechri Sid Ahmed Zein, in unclear circumstances. The burned corpse of Bechri and the corpses of three other unidentified individuals were found near Bir Mougrien.
Following this coward assassination, Bechri’s family addressed a letter to the United Nations and to several international human rights organizations requesting protection against the Polisario’s abuses.
The members of this family from the R’guibat Oulad Moussa tribe are planning to observe a sit-in in front of the HCR headquarters in Rabouni until their claims are met.
In the letter to the UN and other international organizations, the family members, who point the finger at Polisario security services, are requesting the opening of investigations to determine who ordered and who carried out the assassinations.
Bechri Sid Ahmed Zein worked for a senior official of the Polisario, well-known for his trafficking activities, before he joined the opposition movement, dubbed “March 5”. The movement used to stage demonstrations in the Rabouni camp which hosts Polisario headquarters.
Bechri’s mother and aunt, Lalla and dadu Ment Zrouk, were imprisoned on many occasions because they participated in such demonstrations. In 2009, after a heated discussion with Khatri Addouh, speaker of the National Sahraoui Council (Parliament) who was then governor of « Smara », Lalla Ment Zrouk was sent to prison. Mohamed Abdelaziz later on ordered her release under the growing pressure on the part of members of her family and tribe.
The case of this family really is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to violations, exactions, torture, assassinations and unfair imprisonment that are so common in the Tindouf camps, a no man’s land, set up in the Algerian desert and completely isolated from the rest of the world.