Unemployment, despair, precariousness, incertitude are key-words for young Sahrawis who were born and have grown up in Tindouf camps at the South-West of Algeria. More serious than that, these young people constitute, according to an American specialist of terrorism issues, storage for the Al-Qaida terrorist network. Thanks to these recruitments among these young desperate people, warned Richard Minter, writer of many books on terrorism, the nebulous terrorist Al Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQMI) is longing to extend its spider of terror in all the region of the Maghreb and the Sahel. Writer of two bestsellers entitled “losing Ben Laden” and “Shadow War”, Richard Miniter does not hesitate in an analysis published by the Anglo-Saxon media, to make aware of the dangers which the growing in power of AQMI in North Africa may present particularly for the USA strategic interests.
Richard Miniter, who knows the region very well for having visited Tindouf camps many times, deplores the despicable and precarious life conditions of the Sahrawi populations in the camps built at the heart of the Algerian desert. Their unique dream, has he added, is to come to a day when they can leave this hell to join Morocco, their homeland. In a precedent reporting on Tindouf camps, Miniter has described an environment “left to anarchy in which the leaders of the separatists can not ensure a minimum of order, a situation aggravated by a lack of infrastructures and the absence of a legitimate power”. The populations sequestrated against their will in these camps, he explains, “have good reasons for wishing to get themselves out of such a precarious environment (…) under the control of a dictatorial system reminding of East Germany of the cold war time”. For all these reasons, he added, thousands of Sahrawis have escaped from this place of imprisonment, defying all the risks and threats of reprisals on the side of Polisario torturers. For Miniter, the Polisario leaders and at their head Mohamed Abdelaziz have “an economic interest to perpetuate the status quo” even at populations’ suffering expense. Any solution for them, means the stopping of the humanitarian aids, their unique source of enrichment, supports Richard Miniter before ending that “there is too much to bet that money, policy and credulity are for too much in the continuing of this useless conflict”.