The precarious life conditions of thousands of Sahrawi refugees in the Algerian desert leave no indifference. Fortunately, there are some associations and NGOs dedicated to human rights defense, to remind the international community of a population representing thousands of people and living in deprivation, suffering and atrocities in all its forms under the leadership of torturers and the armed militia who do not know any pity or human rights respect. This Monday, a feminine Sahrawi association based in Spain has taken the initiative to denounce the inhuman conditions imposed by the Polisario leadership to the sequestrated populations in Tindouf camps (South-West of Algeria). In a release broadcasted on Monday, “the Association of Sahrawi women for democracy and human rights” condemns these injustices and inhuman practices.
It attributes the whole responsibility to the “Polisario dictatorial leadership” which seeks not only to hide the reality with its propagandist campaigns through an Algerian press executing orders, but claims also he right to be the unique representative of the Sahrawis. “This representation is neither real nor legitimate”, states the Association of Sahrawi women, calling to take legal action against the leaders of the Polisario Front for the crimes they have committed and continue committing against the Sahrawis. The Sahrawi NGO is nevertheless pleased about the revolt of the Sahrawi youth against the present Polisario leadership and claims the respect of human rights in Tindouf camps. The association members call also the international community to activate the final settlement of the artificial conflict about the Sahara, of which the Sahrawi population is suffering since more than three decades. The association invites also the media especially the western one, to unveil the real face of the Separatist movement leaders who, reminds the release, did not hesitate to send their mercenaries to the Libyan front, to fight the rebellion on the side of the troops of the late dictator Mouammar Kadhafi, their ex-main supplier with material and financial aids.