Some Sahrawis living in France have gone to Nouakchott to express their solidarity witht he Polisario dissident, Mustapha Salma Ould Sidi Mouloud protesting since beginning…
The Quai d’Orsay deplores the blockade of informal negotiations on the Sahara
The slowness and absence of progress within the informal negotiations on the Sahara conflict, which are at their 8th round, taking place from 19 to…
Euro-Med: Algiers denounced for human rights violations
Algeria is once again denounced for human rights violations and abuse. This time, it is the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN) that condemns Algiers authorities…
Polisario : the dissident Mustapha Salma claims his return to Tindouf
The Polisario dissident Mustapha Salma is a case revealing systematic human rights violations in Tindouf camps; the latter which are firmly controlled by the Polisario,…
The CDH questioned about the serious violations of human rights by the Polisario
The violation by Polisario torturers of the most basic rights of Sahrawis to employment, education, opinion and movement, daily exactions, human aids misappropriation, internment of…