The clashes in the town of Smara are not a specificity sahraouie. Citizens living in community who seek the construction of a common future that it is political, economic or social are not exempt of confrontations nor of conflict. It is then not fair to exploit this kind of events, simple expression of anger about lack of jobs and matter of life which touch sahraouis and non sahraouis.
The Polisario Front has decided and this is not new, to push for a social disorder inside Morocco.
The Polisario Front bets on subversive potentialities and on new strategy of civil disobedience to push for another social disorder in Western Sahara territories.
The “demonstrators” entered in confrontation with the Moroccan police force. Although these exactions were limited in time and space, their mediatization exaggerated by the Polisario Front conferred to them a political dimension without common measurement with their size.
Algeria and the Polisario Front have asked the international instances for help in “protecting” the sahraouis against alleged Moroccan oppression; they are even calling for the UN mission in Sahara (MINURSO) to supervise and control the “non respect of human rights” in a territory under Moroccan sovereignty.
Algeria and the Polisario Front want to divert the Security Council from its resolution on the role of the UN mission and to put the UN in a difficult position.
Algeria and the Polisario Front have asked the international instances for help in “protecting” the sahraouis against alleged Moroccan oppression; they are even calling for the UN mission in Sahara (MINURSO) to supervise and control the “non respect of human rights” in a territory under Moroccan sovereignty.
Algeria and the Polisario Front want to divert the Security Council from its resolution on the role of the UN mission and to put the UN in a difficult position.