Women victims of Hassi Messaoud lynching remember to the memory of the Algerian State

On the International Women’s Day, victims of Hassi Messaoud lynching, who have not yet obtained justice about ten years after the tragedy, have stood to the memory, while being invited by the Swiss news Television (TSR), broadcasted through syndication by the information channel TV5. As a reminder, Hassi Messaoud lynching in the Algerian East-Center, has been perpetrated by 300 men pushed by a local imam on July 13, 2001. 39 lonely women, coming to this oil zone to find a way to survive by working modestly for oil companies operating in situ, have been the subject of a formal lynching, and the excuse given is their being prostitutes.
For 10 years, they try by all means so that their attackers are prosecuted and account for their acts. Intimidations, threats, pressures, settlement attempts, accusations via press intermediaries, the “39 of Hassi Messaoud” have undergone a full array of measures available to the authority in order to strangle the case, but the movement spokeswoman, Rahmouna Salah, has refused all offers and chooses to carry on the judicial procedure till the end to wash the honor of victims of the extremist plot.

This worrying tendency in the Algerian desert reminds of the gang rape of Mrs. Rahmouna Dahousse, an Algerian HCR civil worker, who has undergone the worst physical abuse by the alleged members of the guerrilla movement one month earlier, causing a kind of agitation at the UN instances present in Algeria.


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