Some French academics denounce Mans city’s support to the Polisario

When the absurd prevails over  reason, it is not astonishing to see a French mayor receiving the president of the Sahrawi republic which exists nowhere but in the mind of its creator, the Polisario. The French city of Mans which receives a demonstration regrouping activists adopting the separatists’ thesis, is linked since years, by an ubuesque twinning to the ghost city of Haouza in the fanciful Sahrawi Republic “SADR” while in reality it concerns only a completely desert camp located in a “buffer zone”. One of the well known figures in France, Professor Charles Saint-Prot, Director of the Observatory for Geopolitical Studies in Paris and chief editor of the magazine Geopolitical Studies, has gone too far in committing himself to denounce this plot against Morocco. Speaking on behalf of the French jurists Committee supporting Mustapha Salma Ould Sidi Mouloud, Charles Saint-Prot was outrageous to see a French city organizing a demonstration in support of a terrorist movement.

This demonstration, has he declared to the daily “Ouest-France” in its local edition of Friday, would gather activists adopting the separatists’ thesis, coming from different countries “at the expense of Algeria”. He has also blamed Mans’ mayor, mobilized in favour of the Polisario, for having insulted his fellow citizens from a Moroccan origin, by helping an anti-Moroccan propaganda in favour of a “terrorist group” and by supporting a “rearguard being a result of the cold war”. This same mayor of Mans has refused a contradictory debate which has been proposed to him by an academic, member of the French jurists Committee. Already last Sunday, in Mans city, some French and Moroccan academics have denounced the total silence of the international community facing the “no-law situation” in Tindouf camps where the most basic rights are flouted. Referring to the twinning between Mans and the so-called Haouza city, during an information meeting about the Western Sahara stakes, organized by a group of Moroccan Associations and those of Friends of Morocco in France, Prof. Abdelhamid El Ouali, a Moroccan academic and former senior executive in the HCR, has stated that it is absurd that we have a twinning with a no-where place which does not represent any country, and which has been created for military reasons. For Prof. Saint-Prot, twinnings should be limited to cities belonging to States which are recognized by the international community, which is not the case of the Polisario, “an armed gang” which is becoming rich, according to him, at the expense of the population in Tindouf camps, with the undeniable complicity of Algeria, a country which does not fulfil its international obligations, as a host country.


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