From postponement to postponement, the consultations on the Sahara at the UN Security Council are blocked at the level of preliminary discussions. Even the report…
Polisario trapped by the making of a documentary in Tindouf camps
The Polisario leaders get themselves trapped when they authorized the shooting of this documentary on the pro-slaver practices in Tindouf camps. Now that the documentary…
Polisario : A hard shock after another two countries withdrawing their recognition of the SADR
The Polisario isolation at the international level became even worse. This is due to Zambia and the Papua New Guinea’s recent decision to withdraw their…
Algeria : the raising of the state of emergency did not eliminate the repressive measures according to HRW
The raising of the state of emergency by the Algerian authorities on the 24th February 2011, after 19 years of its establishment “did not restore…
Sahara – Spain: « Polisario » invited to adhere to the Moroccan project for « advanced regionalization”
A Spanish association has called the Polisario leadership to adhere to the initiative of “advanced regionalization” launched by the King Mohammed VI. The Association “Friends…